Queensland man suffering mesothleioma

Ian Randle, a Queensland man, was diagnosed with mesothelioma in March. Instead of being filled with anger, Mr Randle has spoken out about his experience in an effort to warn others of the dangers associated with asbestos.

While there is mesothelioma treatment in Australia that cures this condition, sometimes those suffering mesothelioma in Australia are offered treatment.

Mesothelioma is caused by exposure to asbestos; this disease can remain undeveloped with no evidence or activity of it for decades. Ian Randle was exposed to asbestos back in 1979 when cutting asbestos sheets with a saw to install them at a property of duplexes. As a well known handyman, he regularly worked with sheets of asbestos as it was a commonly used product in Australia.

Like so many others workers in the construction and building industries in Australia, he had no idea he was putting himself in danger by working with asbestos. He only worked with the asbestos for minutes at a time, but there is no safe level of exposure. Minimal exposure can result in people contracting asbestos related diseases including mesothelioma.

Mr Randle warns that the dangers of asbestos are still out there. He warns people undertaking renovations on old houses to be careful and take precautions and to call in experts when dealing with asbestos because it’s not worth the risk .The big message that is trying to be communicate is that asbestos is a silent killer.

Asbestos claims many lives each year especially within Australia as we have one of the highest rates of asbestos related diseases in the world. Many asbestos compensation claims in Australia have been brought for those people suffering mesothelioma in Australia. Such claims have been taken against many different companies, including mesothelioma claims against James Hardie.

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