Serafina Salucci, a sufferer of mesothelioma, has joined Australia’s largest unions in their attempt to encourage State and Federal government to fund and implement recommendations developed by the Asbestos Review Committee.
Mesothelioma is caused by exposure to asbestos fibres and while there is mesothelioma treatment available in Australia, there is no actual cure. Serafina Salucci believes because mesothelioma is incurable, raising public awareness of the dangers associated with asbestos will help stop people suffering like she has.
The Australian Manufacturer Worker’s Union (AMWU) and Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union (CFMEU) are calling on the Australia Federal Government to finally get rid of all asbestos that is still present in older homes and government buildings in Australia.
Considering Australia has one of the highest rates of asbestos related diseases in the world, and considering asbestos related deaths in Australia are expected to increase until 2020, it is time for the Australian government to implement a strategy to remove the threat of asbestos. Removing the threat of asbestos will decrease the number of people who contract asbestos related diseases like asbestosis and mesothelioma.
For Australians like Serafina Salucci who suffers from an asbestos related condition, there is legislation in place in some Australian states including NSW and Victoria to help them pursue an asbestos compensation claim.