Residents of Lanitza in New South Wales believe their part of Clarence Valley has been targeted for asbestos dumping. This fear comes after two discoveries of the toxic material were found in the area just 4 kms away from each other. There is talk that the two finds were linked and that those responsible have simply traveled to the area just to dump their rubbish.
While asbestos dumping is illegal, the major concern is the dangerous position these dumpers are putting themselves in as they are not disposing of asbestos correctly. There is also a major concern for those who stumble across it, or are affected if the asbestos dust blows on them.
In order to dispose of asbestos safely, these dumpers are required to wear protective clothing and wrap the asbestos in plastic. When they fail to do this they are putting themselves and others in harms way. Even small amounts of exposure to asbestos can lead to someone contracting an asbestos related illness such as mesothelioma.
Many Australians have suffered mesothelioma from small amounts of exposure to asbestos. It is for this reason that various states in Australia have introduced specific legislation to assist Australians seeking asbestos compensation in Australia and mesothelioma compensation in Australia. Unfortunately, many Australians have suffered this dreadful condition.