Hobart has faced a major asbestos scare as hundreds of broken asbestos pieces have been found scatted all over the Peter Murrell Reserve in Howden, Tasmaina. Apparently blue asbestos was among what was found. This asbestos is the most dangerous type of asbestos to human’s health. Inhaling even small amounts of asbestos fibres can lead to somebody developing an asbestos related disease such as mesothelioma.
People live and walk their dogs around this reserve and the lack of warning signs or barriers to ensure the public isn’t exposed to asbestos increases the risk of such persons contracting mesothelioma. Parks and Wildlife Services have committed to remove asbestos as it is discovered and reported by the community.
An investigation and clean up is really needed in order to ensure there is no asbestos present in this reserve. Asbestos removal is extremely important in removing the risk of mesothelioma and other asbestos conditions such as asbestosis. Mesothelioma is expected to peak over the next decade. Legislation has been introduced in Australian States such as NSW and Victoria to assist those people struggling with asbestos conditions to pursue an asbestos compensation claim in Australia, including both a mesothelioma compensation in Australia and asbestosis compensation claims in Australia.