Victorian asbestos project

A Victorian asbestos group is seeking funding to assist in the construction of a mobile unit that can assist in the safe removal of asbestos waste.

It is hoped the unit will allow asbestos products to be removed from areas, including disaster areas.

Last year following the Queensland floods there was a large amount of asbestos products that were damaged, resulting in people being exposed to asbestos. At the time, there was considerable concern about the safety of such persons. Asbestos conditions such a mesothelioma can be caused by relatively small amount of asbestos exposure.

At this stage, it is not known if any compensation claims have been made as a result of the Queensland or Victorian floods.

West Australia asbestos concern

A fire in West Australia involving asbestos has caused concern that locals may develop in the future an asbestos condition such as mesothelioma.

On 18 May 2012, the fire in Perth caused great concern. An old building apparently made from asbestos was on fire.

All asbestos inhalation is potentially dangerous.

The firefighters involved in the blaze also have to take care, not only whilst fighting the fire, but also when mopping up.

Australian mesothelioma compensation cases have included a fireman developing mesothelioma as a result of being exposed to asbestos during and following fires.

Asbestos pipes

A New Zealand newspaper has quoted a local medical officer who said there was no danger in drinking small quantities of asbestos fibres from water pipes made from asbestos.

The same medical officer said that it was the inhalation of asbestos that could cause asbestos conditions, such as mesothelioma.

There have been compensation cases in Australia when a person who cut asbestos cement pipes inhaled asbestos, contributing to that persons condition of mesothelioma.

Asbestos exposure concern in NSW

A New South Wales asbestos crackdown by the EPA has resulted in a number of companies being identified as failing to adhere to strict asbestos disposal laws.

In particular, 3 companies in Coffs Harbour, NSW, found asbestos had been disposed of incorrectly.

Given asbestos inhalation can result in asbestos diseases, such as pleural mesothelioma and peritoneal mesothelioma, safe disposal of asbestos is critical.

In the past there have been asbestos compensation claims made in New South Wales in respect to asbestos not being disposed properly.