Asbestos fears in Tasmania over National Broadband Network rollout.

After receiving calls from concerned workers, Unions Tasmania is calling for confirmation that asbestos removal is being undertaken safely at National Broadband Network (NBN) worksites across Tasmania, Australia. Asbestos-lined telephone pits are being pulled up as part of the NBN rollout, which is being undertaken in 45 Tasmanian towns.

Two weeks ago after receiving a phone call from an NBN worker expressing concerns over asbestos exposure, Kevin Harkins, the secretary for Unions Tasmania, made a report to Workplace Standards. After receiving another call this week from another NBN worker over similar asbestos fears, Harkins contacted Workplace Standards asking for them to look into the situation thoroughly.

Workplace Standards inspector has confirmed that asbestos is being dealt with safely and carefully during the NBN rollout, with a number of precautions being taken to ensure the asbestos poses no health risk. These include dry pits being sprayed with water PVA adhesive, workers wearing all correct protective clothing and asbestos removal signs being erected to warn the public.

Caution when removing asbestos is extremely important as even minimal exposure to asbestos can lead to an individual contracting an asbestos related disease such as asbestosis, asbestos related pleural disease or mesothelioma.

There have been many asbestos compensation claims in Tasmania following residents in Tasmania being diagnosed with asbestos related conditions. Asbestos compensation claims in Australia are often a good indication as to how many people in Australia are being diagnosed with asbestos related conditions.

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